Family Therapy & Counselling

The family that we are born into and the family that we make, the way we were raised as children and the way we raise our own, our family relationships - all intrinsically impact every aspect of our lives; who we are, how we love, how we communicate, how we understand the world and others.

It is not uncommon to experience dysfunction within a family, and it can be caused for a multitude of reasons; death, divorce, breakdown in communication, behavioural or emotional problems and transitions, ultimately causing the family unit to suffer. That's where we come in. We can offer an initial discovery call with you within a few days to enable you to get the support you need and  get your   family back on track. 


What is Family Therapy?

“Family Therapy was the best thing I ever did. It helped me to realise that we could sort things out as a family without blaming each other or shouting. It was a challenge but well worth the time and effort we all put into it.” - Parent of two children

'ImageThe aim of Family Therapy is to provide a safe, supportive and non-judgmental space to work things through together. To resolve some of the difficulties that sometimes seem impossible to solve.

The therapist works alongside family members to develop greater understanding between each and everyone involved.

Exploring thoughts and feelings to develop greater understanding between family members, acknowledging the difficulties and building up the strengths.

It is for all family groupings including stepfamilies, grandparents and those people that are close to you. It might be that your family struggles with relationship difficulties, behaviour that is difficult to understand, communication blockages or constant arguments. These can all cause great damage to families if not addressed.

Family Therapy is looking at how to bring about change. Eventually reducing stress and conflict together with an improved sense of well-being through encouragement and understanding.  

All our famiy therapists have had extensive  systemic famiky tgerapy  training are professional members of recognised bodies and have years of experience. It is sometimes hard to reach out for help and we can offer a safe space to help yiur famiky move forward connect and be whole again book your initial assesement appontment now 




For more information or to book an initial assessment

Fill out our Online initial contact form or contact us today on 0845 527 4809 and let us help you be the best that you can be.