Teacher Support

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Our comprehensive approach to teacher support enables the professionals to not only take care of their own mental health and wellbeing but that of their students.


We are able to offer a variety of services that provide staff with the tools needed to flourish in their work environment and better support their students and fellow colleagues. 

  • Therapeutic support
  • Mental Health and Wellbeing Training
  • The Teenage Brain Workshops 
  • Eating Disorder Awareness 
  • Supervision
  • Workshops & Training packages 
  • Mediation

Mental Health in the Workplace

Mental Health and wellbeing is an issue relevant not only to children and young people, but to professionals, teachers and all adults.

Current estimates state that one adult in six is experiencing symptoms of mental illness and one in four will experience mental illness during their lifetime.

Stress, Depression and Anxiety is more common than you think, and cannot be ignored. Poor mental health is now the Number 1 reason for workplace absence.

‘In the recently published independent review of the impact on mental health in the workplace ‘Thriving at Work’ the cost to employers because of poor mental health is estimated as being between £33 billion and £42 billion a year.

The report concluded that workplace mental health should now be a priority for organisations. Harnessing the right culture in the workplace is important to create an environment where employee well-being can flourish.’

– Wayne Goodwin, Thriving at Work collaborator & Therapy Partners Trainer https://www.rewriteyourstory.org.uk/2020/02/27/thriving-at-work-report-released/

'Workplace mental health and wellbeing; the elephant in the room' an article written by Wayne Goodwin, looks at the growing issue in business and what we can do to help ourselves and others. READ MORE HERE


What we can offer


We can work with teachers and professionals to develop training specifically based on the needs of the individuals, school and students. This could include management, communication, counselling and supervision training. Providing training on recognising eating disorders and depression in children and young people is key in early intervention, whilst helping teachers understand the importance of their own mental health and how to take care of their wellbeing is of utmost importance for a thriving staff and environment.


One to one, confidential support or group sesions can be offered to staff. We respect the role of a teacher is a very important and at times exhausting one, which can be difficult enough to deal with without any extra worries. Sometimes life throws challenges our way; loosing a loved one, divorce, insomnia, anxiety…. We will be there to help.


We can act as an impartial mediator in challenging situations and offer training on maintaining working relationships and communication and how to deal with disagreements.


Learn more about how our whole school approach can help your school by clicking here

For more information or to book an initial assessment

Fill out our Online initial contact form or contact us today on 0845 527 4809 and let us help you be the best that you can be.