Pricing - Obtain a Quote

All of our therapy services are strictly confidential and flexible to your needs, sessions can be held face to face, over the phone or online.Our competitive fees are based on 50-minute sessions with your therapist and are dependant on the type of therapy, your therapist’s speciality, experience and qualifications. We appreciate everybody is unique, we will always aim to get the best therapeutic fit for you.Charges are simple and clear you just pay per appointment . There is no need for private insurance and we welcome anyone who needs our services.

Sessions with a counselling practitioner - from £45

Individual  Counselling Therapy Sessions - from £77

Specialised Individual Therapy Psychotherapy Session (See More Below) - from £95 

Couples Sessions - from £96

Coaching sesions from £120.00

Executive Coaching sesions from £155.00   

Family Therapy - from £48pp (minimum charge 3 people)

Clinical Assessments/sessions with Psychologist - from £395.00

Clinical Assessments with a Psychiatrist - From £595.00.

We may also be able to offer some concessions based on individual circumstances. Please contact us to see if we can help. 

We offer a successful and accredited specialist Eating Disorders Service, including a wrap around package of initial assessment including a written report (starting at £325.00) and ongoing CBT-E sessions costing between £95 - £145.00 per session.

Contact us today to arrange a free initial consultation with your therapist, identify key issues, and ascertain the way forward together.

For more information or to book an initial assessment

Fill out our Online initial contact form or contact us today on 0845 527 4809 and let us help you be the best that you can be.